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Where Are You?

“Proprioception. What is that?” I asked the physical therapist as I looked at the orders for my mother’s recovery from knee replacement surgery.

“It is teaching the muscles around the knee joint to do the work that the bones did. Our joints automatically are aware of their position and movement in relation to space and the other parts of our body. Without the bone, the muscles around the man made knee need to learn that awareness.” 

Wow! I had no idea that God created our bones with that kind of awareness and intuition. It has caused me to think about the body of Christ. 

“For just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we, though many, form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”  Romans 12:4-5

Do you practice proprioception? Do you know where you are in relation to other members of the body of Christ? When you operate within the gifts God has given you, are you using them in harmony and conjunction with your brother or sister operating right next to you? 

As you become more aware and operate more fully as who God created you to be doing what He created you to do, stay mindful of the whole body of Christ. 

Ask your Creator who you can partner with in order to multiply the fruit of the Kingdom of God. 

Ask the Jesus who can walk with you in order to fulfill their purpose and assist you in yours. 

Ask Holy Spirit to show you where you fit in His plan for your life and the body of Christ.

Become mindful of where you are, how you can use your gifts, and how you can help others use theirs. 

Practice proprioception. 

1 thought on “Where Are You?”

  1. Vertie Lorraine Townley

    As I read this immediately the lyrics came to my mind-“you’ve gotta know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold em. Know when to walk away and know when to run.”
    May seem kinda funny here but all moves aren’t always going to be robotic as we walk in the spirit-listening and obeying His whispers. We each perpetually seeking God for His wisdom in all things will result in a flow that will be Kingdom shifting. And even when foreign circumstances arise-(as in her knee replacement or anything of the like in our lives-a newness so to speak), we must be flexible and remain teachable so that we may adapt and keep that flow going.

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