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Dream Big, Work Small

  • Deborah 
working small on big dreams

The mind of man plans his way,

But the Lord directs his steps. Proverbs 16:9

This week we are talking about dreaming with God. We serve a big audacious God, and He has big audacious dreams for His children. If you haven’t been following this week’s blog, I recommend that you go back and start from the post titled, “Dream Big” posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2022. 

Jesus said in John 10:10 that He came that we would have life and have it abundantly. 

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” 

Note that before Jesus talks about abundance, He warns against the enemy who comes to steal, kill, and destroy. The enemy particularly loves to decimate the dreams of God’s children. It is one of the reasons I suggest that you take time to confirm your dreams before you begin to work on them.

Confirmation brings determination to overcome the hindrances of the enemy. 

I have said it before, I will say it again. If your dream can come to pass through your own strength and abilities, then your dream is too small.

Thing big thoughts, Dear One.

Dream big dreams! 

Once you have taken the time to confirm the dream that the Lord gives you, the next step is the second half of this Created For So Much More strategy. 

Dream big and work small.

In other words, leave the work of unfolding your big dreams into reality to the Lord. Simply do the work that is required today. 

Every day, ask the Lord, “What do you want me today?”  

Think of it this way. You are on a path. You can glance up at the horizon, but if you focus there too long, you may stumble and fall. Watch your steps and let the Lord take care of where the path leads.

Let the Lord show you the direction of your step, the length of your stride, and the pace of your gait. 

Dream big audacious dreams, Dear One. Plan your way. Then sit with the Lord and let Him order your steps.

Take those steps and you will soon be soaring with God into the amazing future He has for you.