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Your Audience of One and the Five “Rs”

As followers of Jesus and actors on this stage of life, we must learn to play to the Audience of One. What do I mean by playing to the Audience of One? Rather than listening to and playing to the Greek chorus—the voices in your head made up of others—or your own self-talk, tune in to the Audience of One. Note the capital letters. This One created you, redeemed you, reveals His heart to you, and guides you into all truth (John 16:13). Your Audience of One is God. He is the One who knew you when He formed you in your mother’s womb.(Psalm 139:13). He is the One who walks with you every step of the way. (Matthew 28:20). He is the one who never leaves or forsakes you (Joshua 1:5). God is the One who placed your gifts and talents within you, and He is more interested in seeing you succeed than you are. If you want to succeed, then it makes sense to listen to the Lord to silence the voice of your Greek chorus and nullify your negative self-talk. It makes sense to clear out the chatter, to tune in to God’s voice, and to play to your Audience of One.

When you play to the Audience of One, you live your life tuned to Heaven’s perspective. You begin to see and hear who you are and what you are called to do from your Creator’s viewpoint. Tune your ears to Heaven’s frequency, and you will hear Jesus’ heart for you and your life’s purpose. Listen to the voice of Holy Spirit, and He will direct your path—a path that is uniquely yours.

The Audience of One may tell you to build an ark when there is no sign of rain, just like He told Noah (Genesis 6:14). He may tell you to leave your country like He told Abraham (Genesis 6:14), or He may tell you to stay right where you are and to wait for His Spirit to move, like He did with the disciples (Acts 1:4). He may tell you to march to the beat of a different drum or to march in step with other drummers. He may say “Go!” He may say, “Be still.”

Because you have a unique purpose and destiny, the one and only audience it makes sense to listen to, follow, and play to is your Audience of One, Your Heavenly Father, His Son, Your Redeemer, and His Spirit, the Counselor.

Are you ready to clear out the chatter so that you clearly hear your Audience of One? Here are five “R” words that will help to clean your spiritual ears.

RECOGNIZE who you may need to forgive and what lies you have believed. Then forgive those you need to forgive.

REPENT of believing the lies of spirits that tell you anything other than the truth that you are a treasured and gifted Child of God.

RENOUNCE the lies of the enemy.

RECEIVE the truth of Christ. He is the Way to Freedom, He speaks the Truth, and He brings Life (John 14:6). Everything you need is found in Him.

REPLACE your view of yourself and your life with God’s perspective.

Use these “Five R’s” to clear out the static and chatter that separated you from clearly hearing your Audience of One. You will receive so much more clarity about your identity and purpose because you are hearing more clearly!
