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Worship Wednesday: Heart of God

  • Deborah 

There are times when we need a little help to take our mindset and thoughts captive in order to be transformed by the renewing of our mind (Romans 12:2). I heard this song a few weeks ago as I was driving to an appointment. It grabbed me the first time I heard it. 

Zach Williams invites us to come to the heart of God because we will find only love there. There is no room for shame, only love. 

Copyright laws keep me from directly quoting the lyrics, but this song reminds us that God is not a giant, imperfect, human father. He is a God of unconditional love. 

So run to the Father, let Him clothe you with His empowering Presence that allows you to break free of the fear and rise from the ashes in beauty. 

Here is the link to the video on Zach William’s website.

The heart of God is love. Hallelujah!