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Try It Tuesday: Smile!

  • Deborah 

A joyful heart makes a cheerful face,

But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken.

Proverbs 15:13

This week we are talking about mindfulness. The first thing I want you to be mindful of is your joy meter. We know from so many scriptures, including Proverbs 15:13, that joy is healing for the mind, body, and spirit. 

The easiest way to help raise your joy meter is to smile. The mere act of smiling can stop negative thoughts in their tracks. Scientifically, research shows that smiling a lot can actually rewire the circuit in the brain that helps you keep a positive attitude toward life! 

According to Dr. Caroline Leaf in her book, Switch on Your Brain Every Day: 365 Readings For Peak Happiness, Thinking, and Health, β€œthe part of your brain involved in decision-making, intellectual pursuit, smiling between thoughts’ and thinking things through rationally becomes stronger and more effective. Simply put, smiling makes you happier and more intelligent!”

Smiling is a way to reflect the love of God to others around you. 

Try it and see the effect your efforts have on yourself and on those around you. 

You will be glad you did!