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Ten Steps

  • Deborah 

Are you ready? This is where we get down to the nitty gritty work of making a plan and setting goals. I hope you are as excited as I am. Whenever I take on a new project, I go through the process I have led you through. 

Just recently when I looked at my big audacious dream of a Nashville conference in 2023, I felt Holy Spirit’s nudge to begin to spread the word about it. That was on my list of areas that He highlighted. He gave me the deadline of December 1, 2021 to begin publicity. Before I could work on the publicity, I knew I had to sit with the Lord to reason out some of the details like subject matter, format, and schedule before I could even begin to talk about the conference. Getting down to those types of nuts and bolts is what today is all about. 

Today, take the necessary time with your list of highlighted areas and things that need to be done to ask the Lord to show you if there are “sub-steps” like I have listed above for any of the areas He has highlighted. Write everything down. 

Now, take your list and ask the Lord to highlight 10—just 10—steps from that list that you can take right here in your sacred now. If you haven’t written 10 yet, ask the Lord to give you the remainder of the steps right now. 

  • Do you need to write those emails?
  • Is it time to register and attend that webinar that would give you the information you to need to move forward?
  • Do you need to make that phone call to set up a meeting with a contact the Lord has highlighted?
  • Is it time to volunteer with that ministry, church, or school?
  • Perhaps you need to purchase painting supplies or a new computer.
  • Is it time to set up or organize a work space?

God is not asking for perfection here, but He does ask for faithfulness and obedience. 

Your assignment is this:

Write a list of at least 10 things that will help you realize your destiny, with no order of importance. 

Great job! You are well on your way to soaring into the flight path the Lord has for you to realize your big audacious dream.