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Spiritual Wellness

  • Deborah 

March is Spiritual Wellness month, So I ask you, what are you doing to maintain and grow your spiritual wellness?  Many spiritual practices lead to a healthy spiritual life and relationship with God. 

What are the practices you have in place to keep you on the path of good spiritual health? 

These practices can be considered cobblestones in the ancient path of spiritual wellness. 

Thus says the Lord,
“Stand by the ways and see and ask for the ancient paths,
Where the good way is, and walk in it;
And you will find rest for your souls.
But they said, ‘We will not walk in it.’
Jeremiah 6:16

The term “ancient path” can also be translated as “paths of old.” Think eternal. Although in our modern world, ancient could be synonymous with antiquated or obsolete, for Jesus Followers, the eternal, ancient paths are never obsolete. 

There are steps we can take, that others have walked before us, that will lead us into rest and health. You  have a choice to follow the ancient practices/path or to not follow the path that leads to rest and spiritual wellness.

Consider ancient paths truths to live by. Follow the ancient path in your journey with the Lord and you will find the treasures of who He is, who He created you to be, and what He created you to do. 

Scripture is full cobblestones that make up the good way.  Spend time in the Word of God on a daily basis.  It will light your way.

Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path. 
Psalm  119:115

Other cobblestones/practices that will lead to spiritual health are practices like daily worship, prayer, and quiet time with the Lord. 

Remembering what the Lord has done is a great Biblical practice that will lead to trusting the Lord and a healthy spiritual life. 

Start or end your day with gratitude and thanksgiving to build a foundation of trust that  will lead to greater contentment. 

Take a look at your life and ask what brings you peace or where you find your rest. Make a conscious effort to put those practices into your daily life and you will improve your spiritual health and wellness. 

As we approach the final days of this month of spiritual wellness, it’s not too late to reinforce those practices which bring wellness or to put new practices in place.