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Spirit Language

  • Deborah 

One of the things I love about creating and viewing abstract art is that there are infinite interpretations. Different people will see different things and will receive differing messages from one painting. Abstract paintings remind me of God using things of this world to speak to His children. They are a great example of spirit language which is the language of God.

God’s language is not man’s language. God is spirit. God’s first language is not Hebrew or Greek. He uses spirit language to communicate with His children. 

What does that mean? 

It means that God has the whole earth at His disposal and He can and will use anything to reach you,. 

Things of this world become divine when the Lord uses them to speak to our hearts. 

Last year my husband and I were watching the television show, Wanda Vision. It is a very popular series based on Marvel Comic characters. The episode showed a flashback of Vision visiting Wanda at a time after her brother had died. 

Vision said, “What is grief if not love persevering?” 

The very night I heard that phrase from a television episode based on Marvel comics, I was grieving a sister in Christ who had just been taken to Heaven at what I considered far too early of an age. 

God used a line from a television show to speak to my heart and bring comfort. 

He was able to speak to me because I had not put Him in a box. I was open to receive and I was willing to interpret something from the world as a divine message. 

Spirit language often requires interpretation. We must interpret spirit language into our first/native language. Take the time to ask the Lord what He is trying to say to you through Scripture, pictures, nature, music, or the words of others. 

You will know it is of the Lord when you match the “message” with God’s will, His ways, and His word. There is always a certain amount of testing that goes into interpreting messages from Heaven. 

Spend time with the Lord and you will become familiar with Him, with His Word, His will, and His ways. Stay in constant relationship with Father, Jesus, and Spirit to sensitize your spiritual antennae to hear God speaking in His spirit language. 

Examine any messages as you sit as God’s feet. 

Build your relationship with Him. 

Trust He desires to speak to you. 

Have faith that He will use whatever He needs to speak to your heart. 

Wait until He brings the message in focus and then receive it with an open heart.