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  • Deborah 

Recently I spent several days prepping to cook Thanksgiving dinner. I cut vegetables and stored them in containers to be used on Thursday. I mixed my spinach artichoke dip so it was ready to serve when needed. I cooked the vegetables that would be mixed with bread and sausage for my stuffing. 

Preparation makes the giant task of a large dinner easier and less daunting. 

Preparation of your mind, heart, spirit, and emotions make the task of gaining freedom over long held beliefs less daunting as well. So today Iā€™m going to share an important step that comes before the steps of the 5 Rs. That is the step of preparation.

Are you ready to rid yourself of self-limiting beliefs and rewrite the stories that hinder your flight? Taking responsibility for your inner healing and freedom is a huge first step. 

It is important that you make the choice to no longer carry the burden of that which encumbers you. All too often I meet children of God who are content to carry their backpack full of rocks they no longer need to carry. Rocks of lies, wounds, unforgiveness, guilt, etc.

You choose to give those rocks to Jesus in the process on which we embark. Or you choose to continue to be weighed down by the lies, beliefs, burdens, you carry. 

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

When you take responsibility to change, you stand in the freedom that Christ offers from the empty tomb. Each person must take the responsibility for his or her own backpack. You also have the choice to remain burdened by the yoke of slavery. 

The process of the Five Rs offers a method for you to systematically empty your backpack and remove the yoke of slavery. 

Are you ready? 

Will you commit to intentionally follow through each day on this journey to freedom?

Prepare your mind and spirit by setting that intention today. Then prepare a space in your life both with time and place to invite Holy Spirit to walk beside you on your journey. 

Each day, plan time to meet Jesus. Give yourself plenty of time to ponder and journal through the Five Rs. 

Sit quietly. Clear the room and atmosphere of distractions. 

I often recommend people wear comfy clothes and perhaps have a soothing drink near by. You might also need a box of tissue. When God does heart work it is often emotional. 

Congratulations! You have committed to make the necessary changes that will open the doors to your freedom, abundance, and operating more fully Im your gifts and talents. 
