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Music Monday: This is Me

It amazes me how God will use anything and everything to speak to us, encourage us, and move us toward who He created us to be. Years ago I came across this YouTube video of the song This is Me from the movie The Greatest Showman. It is one of the most powerful and uplifting videos I’ve seen; one that I rewatch frequently. It is actually a recorded workshop leading up to the filming of the movie.

The video is as much about the singer Keala Settle stepping out as the singer and actress that she was created to be as it is the story behind her character Lettie Lutz (the bearded lady). As Keala sings about breaking away from the voices that would deny Lettie’s existence, she steps out from behind the music stand literally and metaphorically. Both Keala and Lettie declare they are meant to be who they are, that they may have been through things that bruised them, but they are brave, they make no apologies, and neither are afraid to be seen. Sounds like embracing who God created them to be doesn’t it?

Watch the video, look up the lyrics, and then march to the beat of your own drum as who God created you to be.