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Music Monday: Lifer from Mercy Me

  • Deborah 

Last week, as I got ready to take my walk, I “reached” for this album to accompany me. As I listened to it I was reminded how much I love Lifer. Mercy Me is a favorite band of mine anyway, but this album lifts me up and just makes me happy.

The tempo of many of the songs is quick and the music very upbeat. In fact, my aerobic dance instructor choreographed a workout to You Found Me that I still find myself doing at times. Happy Dance and We Win are songs that seems to speak directly to my feet and get them moving quicker whether I am walking or standing in the kitchen cooking.

Even If is a beautiful song about realizing God’s faithfulness to us even when things don’t turn out the way we hoped. And Ghost is a hauntingly sweet description of Holy Spirit.

At a total album length of 35 minutes, I find this to be the perfect album to listen to while cooking, cleaning, or walking. The one thing I can’t do well when I have this playing is write. I too often find myself listening to the lyrics and contemplating the depth of their meaning.

If you want a quick tempo lift in your spirit, I highly recommend Mercy Me’s Lifer.