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Music Monday: Create a Playlist

  • Deborah 

December can be a messy month. It can be gloriously messy—filled with family and friends, baking and decorating. Or it can be emotionally messy as we miss those who are no longer with us, or our troubled relationships come into high relief, or we recognize the year is coming to an end and we haven’t accomplished what we hoped to this year. 

Wherever you are at in the spectrum of messiness I suggest you put together a playlist that reminds YOU of who God created you to be and what He created you to do. Then play it throughout your day—when you exercise, when you drive, when you are sipping coffee and taking a break in the middle of the day, 

Music is a great way to unwind and tap into your heart and listen to the still small voice that says, “I made you. I love you. You are in the right place at the right time.” 

Music can also strengthen us as we listen to the lyrics that relate to our situation and empower us to keep moving forward. 

Here are a few songs that are on my playlist. Some have been there nearly my whole life. I grew up on musicals and a couple of those songs have stuck. They are in no particular order.

“Something’s Comin’” (West Side Story soundtrack)

“Don’t Rain on My Parade” (Funny Girl soundtrack)

“Thrive” by Casting Crowns (this one played almost constantly as I wrote Created For So Much More. The whole album is amazing.)

“Beautiful” by Mercy Me 

“This Time Next Year” by Fernando Ortega

“This is Me” (The Greatest Showman soundtrack—t I particularly like to watch the workshop version on YouTube)

“Still Rolling Stones” by Lauren Daigle

“Grace Got You” by Mercy Me

“On Our Way” by Mercy Me

‘What a Friend we Have in Jesus” (public domain)

Put your play list together then crank up the volume and dance like no one is watching!

Take a little time for musical self care.