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Monday Musings

  • Deborah 

Today is the first day of Spring. Spring is the season that we celebrate new life. I generally find the season exhilarating as the trees and plants come out of a dormant season. All around me here in Tennessee, I see evidence of God’s creativity as the red bud trees bloom, the daffodils blossom, and the trees that line the train track turn lacy with young buds. 

This past week, the temperatures threatened to steal the beauty of the season. 

This past week, the enemy threatened to steal my peace as I grappled with a loved one entering hospice care and an unknown future. It is an ongoing battle for me. A tug of war between the enemy of my soul, and my faith in God who supplies all that I need—including peace. 

Ironically—or maybe not—tonight’s chapter in the study of Created For So Much More is the chapter on Peace. Specifically it is a chapter full of strategies to use against the enemy in order to maintain the peace that passes all human understanding. 

“And the peace of God, which surpasses all [a]comprehension, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:7

As I sat with the Lord and asked Him what He wanted me to speak about this evening, He simply led me to scriptures that speak of His promises of care and involvement in our lives. 

It strikes me that He is not a God who sits on high, watching and judging our actions. No, rather He is a God who became flesh—one of us—who knows what we experience and offers to help us along this path of life. Not only does Jesus walk with us, He intercedes on our behalf. 

“Therefore He is able also to save forever those who draw near to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them.” Hebrews 7:25

That means when I don’t know how to pray for my loved one, Jesus is there interceding for both of us.

He prays for my loved one and He prays for me. 

That, right there, restores my equilibrium and brings great peace. 

Thank you Jesus! 
