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Nevertheless Thinking

  • Deborah 

What I love about Peter in the story of the Great Catch of Fish (Luke 5:1–9) is his nevertheless attitude. To refresh your memory, Peter and his friends have been out fishing all night to no avail. As they are cleaning their nets, Jesus comes along and tells them to launch again.

Imagine what Peter must have thought? I am sure his emotions after an unsuccessful night of fishing were brimming with negativity. Plus fishing was his profession. How could a teacher know more about fishing than he did? His response to go ahead, follow His Lord’s instructions, and to launch out again, reflects his nevertheless attitude.

How many times have you faced those kinds of nevertheless moments?

I don’t want to forgive that offense; nevertheless…

I don’t feel comfortable making that phone call, placing that order, setting that appointment, or writing that email; nevertheless…

I can’t believe You, Lord, are asking me to say this or do that; nevertheless…

The doctor say chronic condition; nevertheless…

What happens when we, in spite of our misgivings, say “nevertheless” and follow Jesus’ directions to “launch out?” Like Simon, we often find ourselves reaping such a huge harvest that it breaks our nets and we need help.

Adopt Peter’s nevertheless attitude and watch as the Lord of the Harvest fills your nets to overflowing.
