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Find Your Sanctuary

  • Deborah 

The Lord continues to speak to me through the skies. This morning as I sat on my lanai ( the Florida equivalent to a large screened in balcony) and looked west, I witnessed the clouds illuminate from the sun rising to the east. It is a time of day that is nearly completely quiet save for a bird or two, but even nature seems to still be sleeping. It is a place where I meet God. 

As we wind up this month of new beginnings, I heard Holy Spirit encourage me to remind us of a spiritual practice Jesus took seriously. REST 

One way to find rest is to find a time and place that can be your sanctuary. 

I remember when I was a mother of small children that place of sanctuary required me to carve out space and time for silence. My boys learned when Mom said, “I’m goeeeing to take a bath” it meant the do not disturb sign was on the door and I was not to be bothered. 

Recently when the workers were laying new flooring (and were very noisy doing it) I had to walk outside and sit on a bench in order to find that moment or two of peace. 

Whatever and however you need to do to find your sanctuary, make it a priority. God will meet you there. 

Even Jesus made an effort to get away from the noise and the crowds to spend time with the Father. 

 “Now when Jesus heard about John, He withdrew from there in a boat to a secluded place by Himself.” Matthew 14:13

If it is a good practice for the Savior of the world, it is a practice that I want to emulate. 

Find your sanctuary. Your mind, body, and spirit will thank you.