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Kingdom and Power

  • Deborah 

It should be noted that the clause I will be exploring next is not found in early manuscripts. That is why some translations leave it out completely, and others, like the NASB 1995 that I use  adds a footnote and a bracket.

[For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.’] Matthew 6:13

I have felt led to explore this clause in four parts. I considered dividing it into even more. Today, however, I am going to group the first two woads together as a concluding clause to the prayer. Let’s take a look at the phrase, “Yours is the kingdom, and the power.”

At the conclusion of this prayer, it seems to me this clause sums up the previous verses and brings us to a place of submission and worship. Let’s dig deeper.


I have already written about the kingdom of God and how it differs from the kingdom of the world. {You can read the post, Thy Kingdom Come, here}.

The Aramaic translation of this phrase says, “From You comes the all waking will.” 

Think about Philippians 2:13

“For it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.” 

When we say, “For Yours is the kingdom” we acknowledge that we have a foot in each kingdom. We live here on earth, but we worship God for His kingdom of which we are also a part because He abides in us. 

For me personally, when I say “Yours is the kingdom” I speak my faith in God’s hand in my life. In my own words, I say, “Because your kingdom is higher than what I can see—is beyond my comprehension—Your will be done.” 


This phrase also seems to be a bit of a recap of other petitions of the Lord’s prayer. What immediately comes to mind is the power of the name of God. {You can read the post Hallowed be Your Name as a refresher}. Think also about God’s power to provide for His children as we recognized in the petition and blog post about daily bread. {Read the post here.}

Again, this phrase seems more of a statement of worship and submission than a new thing to ponder. God is omnipotent. He is all powerful. Anything you need is found in Him. 

This feels like a declaration and reminder that God is the God of the impossible (Luke 1:37) If that is true, I can take my hands off of whatever concerns me and trust Him to supply the way and the answers. 

The Aramaic translation reads, “the lively strength to act.” 

Putting it all together, the Deborah Gall interpretation  is “God’s power resides in me  to give me what I need to live as He asks me to live, including when I face impossible situations.”

As we come to the conclusion of this powerful prayer, it is as if we wrap it up in a powerful recap of worship. Now that’s a conclusion!