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From the Author’s Pen: Journal

  • Deborah 

“God has shown me He wants me to write a book. Where do I start?” This is a question I hear frequently. Often the speaker has little or no writing experience. My response inevitably includes a journal.

Journaling takes on many faces. It can be as simple as answering the questions in a book like my “A Guided Journal to Soaring With God.” It can be opening your note app on your smart device and dictating a thought or a memory. It might include regular time sitting with the Lord or it could be random moments when the urge strikes you. There is no right or wrong when it comes to journaling, but there are best practices if you want to move from thoughts in your head and heart to a published manuscript.

If your ultimate goal is to share your story or message, I recommend dedicating a given amount of time on a regular basis to your writing craft. Most of what you read or hear from me began in my morning journaling time with the Lord. I do not start a day without that time, because the Lord answered a prayer in such a way that indicated it was important to Him.

One night as I went to sleep I said, “Lord, if you want me to read, study, and write with you every day, You need to wake me up earlier.” The very next morning I was awake at 5:00 AM, and have been most days ever since. That was years ago. The Lord longs to meet you where you are.

Jeremiah 29:13 promises that the Lord will meet you when it says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.”

If He has given you the nudge, urge, or mandate to write, then your response must be a regular time with Him, pen in hand (metaphorically speaking—digital journals are great too). When, where, and how doesn’t matter. Committing the time to the craft and the Lord does.

Start with regular journaling. You will soon have a writing habit. With a writing habit you can begin to organize your thoughts, stories, and words into so much more.