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For the Glory Set Before You

  • Deborah 

Renovation continues into day 2 and God continues to use it as an object lesson to teach me more about my faith, my relationship with Him, and the journey of identity and purpose. 

The demolition crew did not show up on time yesterday morning and because of that, they did not finish at the designated cut off time for construction in our building. We were not left with the “vacuumed and cleaned” space the supervisor had promised us in the morning. Instead, our kitchen looks like a war zone and we needed to hunker down in our bedroom (as yet untouched by the renovations) while dust settled. Not what we expected. Not particularly enjoyable (although it will be memorable as I made our coffee in our bathroom this morning!)

Through the night Holy Spirit whispered, “It’s worth the cost for the vision you have for this home.” He reminded me of Jesus’ identity and purpose journey that took Him to the cross. 

“Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2

Jesus endured the cross for you and me! He suffered mental anguish, despising the shame and persevered through the physical agony of crucifixion. He knew that joy in the victory of resurrection was ahead of Him. He set His eyes on the future vision God the Father had for Him and for you. 

The path to your big audacious dream is not always smooth sailing. Sometimes you will feel like you are in a construction or spiritual war zone. Keep your eyes on Jesus. You share in His victory over anything the enemy can throw at you. 

And, when “life happens” as it is bound to when you move forward in your purpose and identity, remind yourself of the vision—the big audacious dream—God the Father has given you. Like Jesus, keep your eyes on the prize—on the glory set before you. 

You will prevail. 

Your vision will come to pass. 

Jesus is with you every step of the way.