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Five R’s: Replace

  • Deborah 

I am so proud of you! You have followed the very path that I often use when coaching others in person. As I wrote yesterday, you have done the messy and tough stuff. 

Good work! 

This final step may at first glance seem a bit redundant. After all you have emptied your heart of lies and unforgiveness and filled it with God’s truth as you sat and received all He had to say to you yesterday. 

Today is all about moving forward in your freedom.

You have replaced unforgiveness with forgiveness.

You have rewritten your stories and replaced satan’s lies with God’s truth. 

Now, I want you to take a look at your habits and ask if any of them need replacing in order to maintain your freedom. 

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.” Galatians 5:1

Sometimes you need more than prayer to not “let yourself be burdened once again by the yoke” you have just released. Sometimes you need a decision. Here are some examples of things to consider.

Ask yourself if there are relational boundaries that you need to put into place in order to guard your heart from exposure to lies spoken about and over you. 

Ask yourself if you are spending your time with enough self-care to keep your spiritual ears tuned to Heaven to continue to hear God’s truth. 

Ask yourself if you are filling your mind, body, and spirit with life-affirming content. 

Ask Holy Spirit to reveal any place in your life where He would like to replace your past habit with a better habit as you soar into your future.

Understand that it might take diligence and conscious effort to not fall back into the habits of the past. You are a new you. It may be that there are new roads to take in order to maintain the freedom you have received this past week. Know that Jesus walks with you and will show you the way. 

The past is in the past. Leave it there. Take the road to the new you. It is your runway for soaring with God into greater freedom and your amazing future. 

Finally, thank you for taking this journey with me. I pray Holy Spirit has shown you great truth that has led to so much more freedom than you could have asked or imagined.