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Expectant vs Expectation

  • Deborah 

Look up the word “expectant” online and you will find definitions like this:

“Having or showing an excited feeling that something is about to happen, especially something pleasant and interesting.” (Oxford Languages)

“One who is looking forward to something” (Mirriam Webster)

Synonyms include: eager, excited, hopeful, anticipatory

Being expectant puts no boundaries on the expected event, outcome, or situation. 

Expectations however, place limits on the situation, people, or outcome. 

Oxford Languages defines expectation as “a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.” It goes on to use the following phrase as an example of the use of the word: “reality had not lived up to expectations.”

The phrase “had not lived up to” is key here. Expectations often paint a picture of what is expected. That picture suggests assumptions, presumptions, suppositions, and more. 

How does this affect your relationship with God? 

We must be expectant without expectations.

For instance: 

God is love. We expect God to show love to His children. That is expectancy. Thinking or believing that if God love you, He would open a certain door for you is expectation. 

God speaks to His children. We are expectant when we take the time to sit and listen, that we will hear from Him. Expecting God to speak to you in a certain way is putting limits on how He communicates. It is expectation. 

Expecting God to be present at my next conference is being expectant. Believing that I have failed my assignment unless He brings 100 attendees is expectation. 

God is not in a box. We cannot try to put Him there with expecting Him to act in a certain way that fits our perspective. 

God’s ways are not our ways. He thoughts are higher than our thoughts. 

“‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.

“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts.’”
Isaiah 55:8-9

He rely on God’s promises. 

We expect Him to act on our behalf without putting limits or specifics to HOW He chooses to do so. 

That is being expectant without expectations.