Allow Holy Spirit to give you big dreams and plan your light to soar with God and you might find yourself soaring in a new direction in the midst of an adventure like none other. Wherever you soar, you can trust the result and impact to God. He alone sees the big picture and understands how all of our flight plans fit together for Kingdom impact.
As a Christ follower, you should be more concerned with Kingdom impact than worldly impact. The two kinds of impact can look different and are measured differently.
Your purpose in the Kingdom is not measure by how much you impact the world. Nor is your purpose measured by how many downloads your songs have, how much money you make, where you live or shop, or who well-known you are.
In other words, your purpose is not related to the effectiveness scale of the world.
The steps the Lord asks you to take may not seem like giant steps, but He sees the Kingdom effect of your journey. Holy Spirit often reminds me of what Jesus told Peter in John 21:15-17 when He told Peter to “Feed My sheep” not once but three times.
Let’s remember that in Matthew16:18, Jesus declares that Peter is the rock upon which He will build the church. “Feed My sheep” hardly seems fitting for the big audacious dream of building a church. Let’s take a look at that word sheep.
The singular and the plural version of sheep is the same word. Sheep. By saying, “Feed My sheep,” Jesus is not distinguishing the size of the call. He is not making the distinction between a single sheep or a flock of sheep. It makes no difference to the Lord how many people are being served. In essence, Jesus is asking Peter to take one step at a time, trusting that these steps of serving one sheep, or many, would lead him into his destiny as a leader.
Like Peter, your purpose is not related to results. Results are God’s job. Your job is to listen when the Lord says, “This is the way, walk in it.” (Isaiah 30:21)
Your job is to dream big with God.
Dream with your purpose in mind.
Then take the steps the Lord shows you wherever, whenever, and however His light shines on your footsteps and path. You will soar on the flight path designed just for you and your destiny.