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But God

Yesterday I asked you to consider the cost of your big audacious dream—at least the next step in your vision. Considering and planning ahead is wise and godly. 

There are, however, times when the Lord says, “I’ll take care of the cost. You keep moving forward.” 

Sounds like I am contradicting myself doesn’t it? I’m not. 

This is one of those both/and situations in our walk of faith with the Lord. 

  • Noah built the ark having never experienced rain. 
  • Abraham set out to move to a distant country not knowing his final destination. 
  • Paul went to Rome knowing he would be imprisoned. 

God was in the midst of these situations. He is in the midst of your situation. 

The push/pull of Christianity is that we are asked to walk in wisdom and in faith. The key is to keep one ear tuned to Heaven to know when to say, “Yes, I will step out even though I don’t know how I’m going to do this.” Or “No, it is not time for me to take this step.” 

The only way to operate with good stewardship of your gifts, callings, and purpose is to lean in to Holy Spirit and ask for His direction and timing. 

James tells us that sometimes we do not have what we need because we do not ask. 

“You lust and do not have; so you commit murder. You are envious and cannot obtain; so you fight and quarrel. You do not have because you do not ask.” James 4:2

Think of these words in terms of your dreams. 

Do not lust after someone else’s success; ask God for wisdom and direction. 

Do not be envious of someone else’s purpose being fulfilled; ask God for your next step and the means to accomplish it. 

My point here is this. There are times to follow conventional wisdom when you consider the cost of your big audacious dream. 


There are times to take a leap of faith and go where the Lord says to go, trusting His provision of time, energy, and resources. 

What step are you considering today? Consider the cost and then ask Holy Spirit to guide you.