As we prepare to leave the month of new beginnings, the Lord has spoken to me about foundations. After a month of working on habits and practices, they should no longer be new. Now it is time to take those things that might have felt awkward and foreign to build a foundation of habits and practices for the rest of your life.
A good example of this in in the health and weight loss field. Health experts may not agree on approaches to weight loss, but most will agree that a short term “diet” will not work as effectively as a long term lifestyle change build on healthy foundational habits.
Your spiritual life is no different. You need sustainable habits and practices in order to achieve and maintain your spiritual health and relationship with the Lord.
The key is making Jesus your cornerstone.
Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, Ephesians 2:20b-21
Miriam-Webster online dictionary defines cornerstone as “a basic element : FOUNDATION.”
What does it mean to have Christ as your cornerstone?
You keep your ears, eyes, and heart open to receive direction at any moment of your day.
You schedule daily time with Christ and His Word.
You take time to worship Him with thanksgiving and praise—not just make requests of Him.
You submit your mind, body, and spirit to His authority as He directs. Is He telling you that your daily habit of drinking a carmel macchiato, binging Netflix, spending hours scrolling social media, etc. is not His best for you? Listen and move to make a change.
God is in the details. Live your life accordingly. Look at the details. Implement habits and practices that will stand the test of time and will serve as the foundation for the abundant life God has for you.