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Best Business Practices: Boundaries

  • Deborah 

Recently I have been asked for counsel and advice from three different people regarding interpersonal situations in a business environment.

Linda had difficulty with an employee that had become a good friend. Because of the friendship, it grieved her to have to think through how to handle the situation that was taking place at her business.

Dierdra was asked by a good friend to come to work as the friend’s personal assistant, but was told by another acquaitance that the “good friend” was very difficult to work for. Dierdra needs work. What to do?

Janet hired a fellow brother and sister in Christ to do work for her only to be charged double and be delayed months. Feeling bruised and battered by the situation, the question is how does she continue in fellowship with these people?

Friendships in the body of Christ are important, but it is important to put healthy boundaries in place between business and personal relationships. Years ago a pastor said, “There’s no hurt like a church hurt.” It seems to hurt more when we are treated poorly by someone within the body of Christ.

We must understand that being Christian does not guarantee a person is the best choice for an employee, employer, or business.

Do your homework when making decisions that affect employment on the quality of the person’s behavior (what you can see or hear them doing). Look at skills, style, and experience—not whether they are a believer or would be a good friend.

When you consider hiring a company or person to do a job for you, interview a fellow believer in the same manner you would interview anyone else. Do not assume that being a Christian will make them the right person/business for the job.

Keep yourself from difficult and emotional situations by putting clear boundaries in place. Look for those who operate in a godly manner. Whether they go to church with you or not should not influence the “hiring” decision.

Jesus put boundaries in place with His disciples. Only Peter, James, and John were invited to be with Him in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Be selective like Jesus.