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Best Business Practice: Be the Expert

  • Deborah 

You are called to the work you do. The Lord has equipped you in a way that fulfills your destiny and His purpose as only you can. Thrive in that! You are the expert in whatever the Lord is calling you to.

When people hire you to paint, write, coach, trim their hedges, or fix their plumbing they expect you to know more than they do. So here’s the takeaway tip: your customer doesn’t need or want to know the details of whatever issues you run across when you are doing the work they hired you to do.

In the name of transparency some professionals share way too much with their clients. If I have hired you, I do not need to know all of the details of what you faced as you did the job. I trust you to find the solution and proceed to fix the problem.

Be the expert God has equipped you to be. If that means you need to learn a few things along the way, great. You don’t need to tell your client about it. You lose credibility with them and drag them into a process they hired you to take care of. No one needs the distraction or frustration. Keep it to yourself, fix the problem, and be the expert.