Strength and Courage
In this first week of the month of new beginnings I have embarked on a new health initiative. It begins with a fast of sorts.… Read More »Strength and Courage
Deborah is an artist, author, speaker and minister. She is passionate about helping others find their way to so much more of who they were created to be and what they were created to do.
In this first week of the month of new beginnings I have embarked on a new health initiative. It begins with a fast of sorts.… Read More »Strength and Courage
Today is the first day of the eighth month—August 1. The number eight is generally considered the number of new beginnings. Today marks a moment… Read More »Commit
What would happen if we all agreed to pray for each other the way the apostle Paul prayed for the Thessalonians? “To this end also… Read More »Pray For; So That