Try It Tuesday: Go Ahead, Try It
Yesterday I spent the morning doing something that was not on my list of to-dos. I called it a God-directed bunny trail. It was what… Read More »Try It Tuesday: Go Ahead, Try It
Deborah is an artist, author, speaker and minister. She is passionate about helping others find their way to so much more of who they were created to be and what they were created to do.
Yesterday I spent the morning doing something that was not on my list of to-dos. I called it a God-directed bunny trail. It was what… Read More »Try It Tuesday: Go Ahead, Try It
Music Monday: On Our Way Once again, I am struck by how closely Mercy Me’s songs align with the philosophy behind Created For So Much… Read More »Music Monday: On Our Way
As you move beyond planning into working the plan by taking the next right step, let me encourage you. What seems like a small step… Read More »Small Hinges
You allow God to order your footsteps when you give Him time and space to prioritize the tasks and the steps before you. You need… Read More »The Next Steps