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Relentless Love

  • Deborah 

Last week I had the privilege of spending a few days on the Atlantic coast. The ocean was so close, I felt like I could touch it from my balcony. I was able to watch the sun rise every day we were there. It was glorious to witness the Master Artist’s hand each morning as He created four completely different masterpieces just for me. 

As I spent time with the Lord on the balcony, hearing the surf, watching the waves form in the distance to travel to the shore, I was overwhelmed by the constancy of those waves. 

There is no stopping a wave from coming ashore. 

There is no pinning a wave upon the sand.

Wave after wave crests and falls on the beach.

As I watched the constant flow of water and energy, I thought of the scripture the apostle Paul penned to the Romans when he wrote,

For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor any other created thing, will be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:38-39

God’s love, like the waves of the ocean, never ceases. You can’t stop it. You can’t pin it down. You can only accept and bask in God’s relentless love. 

There is nothing you can do to cause God to love you more. He embraces who He created you to be just as you are. 

There is nothing you can do to cause God to love you less. His love relentlessly breaks through anything the world throws in its path. 

God never leaves you or forsakes you (Joshua 1:5).  That’s relentless love. 

God is love. It is not something He feels. It is something He is. That’s relentless love.

God’s love is patient, kind, not jealous or arrogant, rejoices with the truth, bears and endures all things (1 Corinthians 13: 4–7). That, too, is relentless love. 


You are loved relentlessly!