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Lesson From the Easel: Commit to the Process

Every painting begins as an idea in my head. The foundation may be a photograph, but horizons are changed, light is shifted, and details added in order to create the perfect painting to fit a space. 

I often share pics of the painting along its journey to completion with the client. Those photos always come with the “warning” to not read too much into the details until the painting is complete. I look at a painting in progress and I “see” the final result. No one else can. 

There is a process that goes into every painting. When I begin I commit to the process because I know it works.

  • Sketch the main areas on the canvas.
  • Block in the main colors.
  • Understand the light source and the focal point of the piece.
  • Layer color upon color to create the light and shadow desired. 
  • Add the details.
  • Add the low lights and the highlights.

When I am blocking the main colors I need to keep my mind focused on a wider perspective. 

When I am adding layers, I must not be too concerned about the minute details.

When I am adding the details, I cannot rethink the composition of the painting. 

There is a different mindset and approach for each stage of a painting.

You life of purpose and identity is no different. There is a different mindset and approach for each stage of your destiny. There are times when the Lord has you pull back and take a look from Heavens perspective (what I call the eagle’s viewpoint). Other times you focus on the to- do list for the day and week without much thought other than to do the work. Finally there are times when the Lord will have you assess the details in your life and His plan for you. 

God looks at your life and sees the end from the beginning. No one else can.

What I know is when I trust the process of painting, the end result is better than when I over- think any one stage. 

The same is true for your life of identity and purpose. Trust God’s process. Do not overthink it. 

Commit your way to the Lord,

Trust also in Him, and He will do it. Psalm 37:5

You job is to commit your way, your process, to the Lord and trust that He has you right where you are supposed to be to complete the masterpiece that is your life. 

2 thoughts on “Lesson From the Easel: Commit to the Process”

  1. I love this blog and your impressionistic art, Deb. (I know you are going by Deborah now but we go so far back…1968…it’s hard to change old habits.) You are doing a most wonderful ministry with your art and your writing! Thank you for being so sharing with your talents.
    Jean Archer

    1. Thank you so much Jean! You can never know how timely this commemt was and how much the Lord used it to confirm what He calls me to. Blessings and love!

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