Last week we entered the month of July, the seventh month. Seven is considered a number of completion. “What is complete?” You might ask. “We are mid-year!” That, my friends, is my point. The first half of the year is complete. We are beginning the second half of the year.
This is a great time to take a look at the path and trajectory you are on and assess how you are doing on the flight plan the Lord has given you to soar into your amazing future as who He created you to be and what He created you to do.
Are you soaring or are you stuck?
There are always times when the Lord will slow the pace a bit and it can feel like you are stuck in the mud so to speak. It is times like these that Hebrews 12:1-2 comes to mind. In part it says this:
“And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (NIV)
In the spiritual realm, this is when you need to take your faith out and exercise it a bit. As Pastor Rick Warren writes in The Daniel Plan, “Faith can virtually be regarded as a verb. It is active and not passive. It is something you do. Decision making is a faith-building activity.”
So what decisions can you make to activate your faith in your God given identity and destiny? What can you do in the natural realm to build your faith and move you out of being stuck and back on the flight plan the Lord has for you?
Let’s look at a couple of the Created For So Much More strategies that unlock your amazing future.
- Live Now. Your present is your sacred now. What can you do to embrace what God is doing in your life today? How can you live a more contented life?
- Do the Work. What nitty gritty tasks associated with your big dream have you been neglecting? Make a plan to do just one. And then another. And then another.
- Hone Your Skills. “Stuck” times, when not a lot is going on are the perfect times to work on those gifts and talents the Lord gave you. What areas could be improved?
- Keep Walking. Keep walking forward in whatever step(s) the Lord shows you are for today or this week.
Be encouraged. August is coming. Eight is considered the number of beginnings. Stay the course. Persevere. The Lord is doing a new thing. Soon it will spring forth.