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  • Deborah 

We have turned the page on a new year. After what we experienced in 2020, it is tempting to mentally and emotionally forget the past and simply turn to the future. I would suggest the opposite would be a better course of action. I would suggest you do some intentional remembering—sit with the Lord to intentionally ask Him to show you what He did in your life over the past year.

Psalm 77 admonishes us to remember in verse 6 when it says, “I will remember my song in the night; I will meditate with my heart, And my spirit ponders. “ Verses 11–12 say specifically to remembering what the Lord has done: “I shall remember the deeds of the LORD; Surely I will remember Your wonders of old. I will meditate on all Your work And muse on Your deeds.” 

Before you move into goal setting and planning for 2021 I suggest that you spend time listening and then listing the many ways the Lord acted on your behalf in 2020. Even with the kind of year we have experienced, God is always at work perfecting who He created you to be (Philippians 1:6). 

As you sit quietly,  reflect on the work of the Lord in your life. As devastating as 2020 was for many, God was at work. Allow me to share fine R words that develop when from time acknowledging God’s work in your life. 

First, remembering brings restoration. Musing on God’s deeds takes you away from today and the challenges you face. It destroys the attitude that asks, “What have you done for me lately?” As you ponder where you have met the Lord¸—even in the tough time—you restore your assurance that He never fails you or forsakes you (Joshua 1:5). 

Second, remembering brings renewal. Paul tells us in Romans 12:2 to not operate as the world operates when he writes, “And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.” I would suggest that remembering brings transformation and renewal. . It is easy after a year like 2020 to focus on the negative. Intentional remembering of God’s hand in your life switches your mindset to a broader outlook. Hope is renewed as you anticipate God’s continued Presence and blessing.

Third, remembering brings restoration. Pondering God’s work can restoreyour passion for the Lord as you meditate on His love for you. Consider the wisdom and direction He brought. Thank Him for His protection and power that you witnessed. Worship Him for who He is. Your passion will blossom.

Fourth, Remembering reignites. It awakens us from the slumber of complacency. The isolation that 2020 brought has caused many to fall asleep at the wheel with a “what good is it going to do anyway” attitude. I am telling you, your tribe needs you to arise and lead. Sharing your God stories inspires others and causes them to wake up to do what they were created to do. Remembering God’s work in your life reignites passion and call. 

Finally, intentional remembering allows you to reimagine the future. As you recollect past successes, God will bring glimpses of future visions, dreams, and the plans that He has for you. Most of us experienced some kind of “pivot” in our life this past year. Perhaps that pivot is meant to open doors of future opportunity that you wouldn’t have imagined in the past. 

Revelation 19:10 says, “For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” When we declare what the Lord has done on our behalf we prophesy that He will do it again in our lives and in the lives of others. Take the time to remember—to testify to what the Lord has done. Then, equipped with greater restoration, a transformative renewal,  a restored passion, a purpose that has been reignited,sit with the Lord to reimagine your future.

 He waits for you Dear One. Don’t rush into the new year without first remembering and worshipping the Lord for all He has done. 

©2021 Deborah L Gall