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Music Monday: Smile

  • Deborah 

I love it when my spheres of influence collide. I particularly love it when my faith sphere collides with what would be considered a world sphere. That happened Friday at the end of my online Zumba class. The instructor chose Sidewalk Prophets song Smile for our stretch and I knew I had discovered a winner. The song is found on The Things That Got Us Here album. 

I highly recommend watching the video. It will make you smile! 

I have written before that simply smiling can change your mindset and your health. 

“A joyful heart is good medicine,

But a broken spirit dries up the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

Smile and you are on your way to a joyful heart. You are on your way to choosing joy. Smiling changes you point of view. 

So as the song suggests, smile when you don’t think that you can.  Smile and clap your hands. Smile and get up to dance.

Your reason to smile rose from the dead to bring victory to you! 

Here is Sidewalk Prophets website:

I recommend entering Smile by Sidewalk Prophets in your browser window, you will find links to the lyrics and the video.