I bought Think & Eat Yourself Smart because I am fascinated with the connection between my thoughts, my food choices, and how they both manifest in my mind, body, and spirit. I actually was surprised to discover that Dr. Leaf is a Christian and that this book is very biblically based. I was delightfully surprised.
I am not even half way through the book but I have already learned a great deal about how our thought life affects our daily lives.
Proverbs 23:6–7 says, “Do not eat the bread of a selfish man, Or desire his delicacies; For as he things within himself, so he is.”
Dr. Leaf writes, “Research shows that 75-98 percent of current mental, physical, emotional, and behavioral illnesses and issues come from our thought life; only 2–25 percent come from a combination of genetics and what enters our bodies through food, medications, pollution, chemicals, and so on.”
What both the Proverbs verse and the book quote tell me is that taking our thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5) is not just a good spiritual practice. Changing your thought patterns from negative self-talk to positive God-spoken promises will transform your spirit, your mind, and your body!
Start today by becoming aware of your thoughts. That is the first step to a transformed life.
Ask yourself, “Is that true?”
If it is not, seek the Lord through His Word for His truth.
Then speak that over yourself. Write it down. Post it on your phone or your mirror.
That is taking your thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ. That is how you transform your body and spirit through the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2).
Wherever you are on the spectrum of health and well being, you have the power to transform it from glory to glory as you tend to your thoughts. The book Think & Eat Yourself Smart brings scientific evidence to the Bible passages I’ve mentioned and so many more.
It is definitely worth the time spent to read.