Yesterday I gave you three practical and concrete habits that will assist you in taking your negative thoughts captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5). Today I want to take those habits a step further to ingrain God’s truth in your heart and mind so that you can take those thoughts captive wherever you are. 

Perhaps the most important step and habit is one I shared yesterday. Get in the Word of God! There is no substitute for God’s word and what He says about and to you. 

Yesterday I told you to make notes—both digital and hard copy. Today I want you to take notes mentally. 

The next step in the process of transforming thoughts to those that bring life to your mind, body, and spirit is to memorize the scriptures that God has highlighted and you have made note of. 

Many people shy away from memorizing because they fear they will get the wrong choice of words or the incorrect chapter and verse. Here’s the deal. I don’t care about either of those as long as the truth of the verse is retained.  

Memorize God’s truth about who He says you are and you begin to rewrite the old lie-filled tapes that run through your mind. 

Finally, recite the truth in order to replace the lies of the enemy.  Although the enemy can speak to your mind, he cannot read it (only God is all knowing). That is why I recommend reciting the truth or speaking who God says you are out loud.

Jesus used this technique when satan tempted him in the wilderness. You can find the story in Luke 4. In verses 4, 8, and 12 Jesus responded to the devil with “It is written.” 

Scripture was accessible to Jesus because He took the time to memorize it. 

Telling the enemy of your soul, “It is written,” “God says,” or “The Bible says,” is the easiest and perhaps the quickest way to take your negative self-talk and limiting beliefs captive to the obedience of Christ. 

Read Scripture.

Make notes.

Post Scripture verses and truths around you. 

Memorize Scripture.

Recite and Replace. 

Try these techniques and you will see your life transform by the renewing of your mind as Paul writes,

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect” Romans 12:2