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TRY IT TUESDAY: A Guided Journal to Soaring With God

My personal journaling experience began in 1995 as I worked my way through Julia Cameron’s book, The Artist’s Way. Through her 12-step process of recovering my artist’s identity, I wrote at least three pages a day. She calls them morning pages. They are meant to be a kind of data/brain dump so that you are mentally clear to embrace any new insights and experiences the day may bring. 

Twenty-six years later, I sit with the Lord every morning and often write far more than three pages. I can most likely point to a journal entry for just about every chapter, blog, and/or teaching I have written. 

The journaling writing practice is the foundation of The Guided Journal to Soaring With God. It is designed to guide you through your quiet time with the Lord by first bringing an introduction to the topics of purpose, freedom, identity, intimacy, understanding, peace, and so much more. After the brief introduction you will be guided to scribe through the following sections: 

Opening Thoughts gives you time and opportunity to consider how you feel or what you think about the main point of the lesson.

Soaring With God duplicates the exercises from the book Created For So Much More. There is space multiple for lots of writing for all of these exercises which correspond to the numbers and titles from the book. 

Going Deeper offers an opportunity to spend even more time with the Lord in connection to the lesson’s theme. These writing prompts take you deeper with Holy Spirit as you connect a pertinent truth from the lesson to your own life. 

Pause to Ponder and Pray invites you to summarize your experience and write a prayer of thanksgiving for all that the Lord has done through the lesson. It is also your time and space to ask for wisdom and guidance for the journey ahead. 

Each lesson ends with a word of encouragement from me, your adventure guide. The Lord has faithfully given me a scripture reference to share in conjunction with the exact landing spot for each stop on your self-discovery journey. 

As we approach publishing date, I look forward to sharing A Guided Journal to Soaring With God with you. 

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