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Half Time: Remember

  • Deborah 

June is coming to a close which means so is the first half of the year. How does the first half of 2022 look in the rear view mirror? 

The first step in planning for the rest of the year is to look back and ask yourself these questions: 

What were the highlights of the last six months? 

What big lessons did the Lord teach you? 

What were your “hold on to” “get you through” scriptures? Is there a theme? 

What went right? 

What did not go well? What could you work on in order for it to go better next time3? 

These are not rhetorical questions. I want you to sit down with paper and pen or your note-taking app and write down your answers. 

I want you to take a bird’s eye view of the last six months. Jot down any thoughts or ideas that come up as you sit with Holy Spirit and ponder. 

Remembering is the first step to moving forward into the remainder of the year. 

Remember His wonderful deeds which He has done, 1 Chronicles 16:12

Remembering is a spiritual practice that I recommend you implement regularly. It is what keeps you aligned with what the Lord is doing in and through you. 

The second half of 2022 is full of opportunity to operate even more fully as who God created you to be doing what He created you to do. Take this first step to remember and consider what has happened and you are well on your way to a great second half!