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Best Business Practices: It’s Not About You

  • Deborah 

If you are in a customer service function professionally, or if you simply want to live a life in a Christ like manner, consider this. The customer always comes first. The customer is always right. That’s because whether or not you are the expert, you business is not about you. It is about serving a client, a patient, a customer, or a friend.

In Mark 10:43–45 Jesus says,

“But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.”

Early in my retail career I was fortunate to have a manager who taught me that sometimes all you sell is good will. That philosophy follows the advice to live with a priority of service, of being in relationship, rather than with the priority to make money and/or to be right.

Customers can smell insincerity. Your relationship with your customers is far more important than the total at the bottom of the invoice. Remember: you are here to serve God in whatever capacity He has given you. You serve Him when you humbly serve your customers. After all, it’s not about you. It is about helping your clients reach their goals.

Steward your profession with this attitude and watch the Lord bring increase to you.