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Beauty in the Storm

  • Deborah 

We say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It means beauty is a matter of perspective. When you are in the midst of a storm, it may be difficult to remember that above the storm clouds, the sun shines brilliantly. Twice this week, I had the privilege to watch the sun brilliantly set to the west, while storm clouds were overhead and to the north or the south of me. 

I heard Holy Spirit whisper, “Look for the beauty in the storm.” 

Finding beauty in difficult times is a challenge. Looking for beauty in the storm causes you to change your mindset and consider things from a different perspective. Searching for beauty  challenges you to find God in the midst of your turmoil. Looking for beauty when you are anxious, fearful, or grieving, requires that you turn your eyes to God and trust that He is with you. 

Perspective matters. To people who were at ground level this week—and could not see the distant horizon—the storm clouds were menacing and might have hindered an otherwise peaceful day. I saw the beauty of the sunset because I was five stories up with a view of the distant horizon. 

When you face a storm brewing, or when you are in the middle of one of life’s storms, change your perspective by remembering what the psalmist wrote. 

“When my anxious thoughts multiply within me,

Your consolations delight my soul.” Psalm 94:19

God is bigger than any storm you face. He is above the clouds shining brilliantly. His spirit abides in you to bring consolation and delight.
