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Why Choose Joy

  • Deborah 

Today is Day 101 in my journey with the book Switch On Your Brain Every Day by Dr. Caroline Leaf. I don’t think I can say it any better than she wrote. Her devotion is based on Romans 5:3–4 from the New Testament for Everyone translation.

That’s not all. We also celebrate in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces patience, patience produces a well-formed character, and a character like that produces hope. Romans 5:3–4 NTE

This is how she concludes her devotional:

‘We need to choose to be happy, push through challenges, and enjoy the process of developing our abilities. If we fail, we need to pick ourselves up, even if we don’t feel like it, because things are happening in our brain! Despite how we initially feel, choosing to be happy will become the energy source that keeps us going.”

She adds a Brainy Tip that says: “Challenges strengthen our minds, and because the mind works through the brain, a strong mind means a strong brain.”

I believe that says it all from spiritual and scientific points of views.

Amen and amen.