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Music Monday: The Far Country

  • Deborah 

One of the advantages of living in the Nashville area—Music City—is that you are often introduced to up and coming music artists when you attend a charity event. It’s been over 15 year since I first heard Andrew Peterson at one such event. His album The Far Country had either just been released, or was soon to be released. Its release date is 2005.

The other day I decided to listen to this album as I took my walk. A flood of memories hit me as I remembered where I was and what I was doing when I first listened to these songs. Peterson has recorded a number of albums since this one, but I have to say I love the storytelling aspect of this album.

The title song references Abraham’s journey to a far country. Lay Me Down speaks of the peace of mind we have as Jesus Followers when we face our final sleep. I find Queen of Iowa and The Haven’s Grey great samples of storytelling songs. I can totally relate to Mystery of Mercy which explores the nature of mystery of God’s love and grace for us sinners.

And so much more. I highly recommend Andrew Peterson’s music and today, this album in particular. This is not a sing along praise and worship album, but it is an album that honors and worships our Lord.