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Everyday Prophetic: Leap!

  • Deborah 

In her book, The Artist’s Way, Julia Cameron tells the reader to leap. Her encouragement it that the universe will support you and the net will appear. I hear the Lord saying, “Have the faith to leap when I tell you to and I will give you the wings to fly.”

An eagle uses its wings to gain altitude whenever it takes flight. It takes strength and agility to take off and soar higher. The eagle does the work necessary to reach the spot where the air currents will carry it effortlessly.

There are times when the Lord asks you to work. He asks you to use the strength of the wings He has given you to arrive at the place where you can glide on the wind of His Spirit.

You must first have the faith to take the leap.

He says, “Have faith. Take the leap that I have shown you. I will strengthen and empower you.”

Leap when the Lord says leap.

Work when the Lord says work in order to attain new heights. He is there to strengthen you.

Soar on the wind of the Spirit. He will breathe on you to help you glide effortlessly into the amazing future He has for you.