The mind of man plans his way,
But the Lord directs his steps. 

Proverbs 16:9

You may have heard of the phrase, “plan the work and work the plan.” Planning and working is how we accomplish all that the Lord has for us. 

I would suggest a slight edit to the above verse in order to apply it most productively to the journey of God-given identity and purpose. I would suggest that we change the word “but” to “and”. 

I want you to dream big audacious dreams with the Lord. I hope your cloud-formations (the Deborah Gall version of brainstorming) are large and run off to more pages. The next step though is critical. The step(s) after dreaming big audacious dreams with God is to ask Him for the next right step. 

He alone knows the step you need to take today in order to accomplish His big dream.

He knows the step that is ahead of you that will take you to your destination. 

Sit with the Lord and ask for your next right step. When you do that you align your mind with His will, His way, and His word. Align your mind with God’s plan and  you change the “but” of this verse to the “and.” 

Allow the Lord to show you the next right step.

Plan the next right step. 

Then Dear One, take the next right step that is in front of you. That is how you plan the work and work the plan to stay on God’s path that will cause your big audacious dreams to become a reality. 

Focus on the Plan. 

Focus on the Next Right Step.